attribute vec3 position3DHigh; attribute vec3 position3DLow; attribute float batchId; #ifdef EXTRUDED_GEOMETRY attribute vec3 extrudeDirection; uniform float u_globeMinimumAltitude; #endif // EXTRUDED_GEOMETRY #ifdef PER_INSTANCE_COLOR varying vec4 v_color; #endif // PER_INSTANCE_COLOR #ifdef TEXTURE_COORDINATES #ifdef SPHERICAL varying vec4 v_sphericalExtents; #else // SPHERICAL varying vec2 v_inversePlaneExtents; varying vec4 v_westPlane; varying vec4 v_southPlane; #endif // SPHERICAL varying vec3 v_uvMinAndSphericalLongitudeRotation; varying vec3 v_uMaxAndInverseDistance; varying vec3 v_vMaxAndInverseDistance; #endif // TEXTURE_COORDINATES void main() { vec4 position = czm_computePosition(); #ifdef EXTRUDED_GEOMETRY float delta = min(u_globeMinimumAltitude, czm_geometricToleranceOverMeter * length(; delta *= czm_sceneMode == czm_sceneMode3D ? 1.0 : 0.0; //extrudeDirection is zero for the top layer position = position + vec4(extrudeDirection * delta, 0.0); #endif #ifdef TEXTURE_COORDINATES #ifdef SPHERICAL v_sphericalExtents = czm_batchTable_sphericalExtents(batchId); v_uvMinAndSphericalLongitudeRotation.z = czm_batchTable_longitudeRotation(batchId); #else // SPHERICAL #ifdef COLUMBUS_VIEW_2D vec4 planes2D_high = czm_batchTable_planes2D_HIGH(batchId); vec4 planes2D_low = czm_batchTable_planes2D_LOW(batchId); // If the primitive is split across the IDL (planes2D_high.x > planes2D_high.w): // - If this vertex is on the east side of the IDL (position3DLow.y > 0.0, comparison with position3DHigh may produce artifacts) // - existing "east" is on the wrong side of the world, far away (planes2D_high/low.w) // - so set "east" as beyond the eastmost extent of the projection (idlSplitNewPlaneHiLow) vec2 idlSplitNewPlaneHiLow = vec2(EAST_MOST_X_HIGH - (WEST_MOST_X_HIGH - planes2D_high.w), EAST_MOST_X_LOW - (WEST_MOST_X_LOW - planes2D_low.w)); bool idlSplit = planes2D_high.x > planes2D_high.w && position3DLow.y > 0.0; planes2D_high.w = czm_branchFreeTernary(idlSplit, idlSplitNewPlaneHiLow.x, planes2D_high.w); planes2D_low.w = czm_branchFreeTernary(idlSplit, idlSplitNewPlaneHiLow.y, planes2D_low.w); // - else, if this vertex is on the west side of the IDL (position3DLow.y < 0.0) // - existing "west" is on the wrong side of the world, far away (planes2D_high/low.x) // - so set "west" as beyond the westmost extent of the projection (idlSplitNewPlaneHiLow) idlSplit = planes2D_high.x > planes2D_high.w && position3DLow.y < 0.0; idlSplitNewPlaneHiLow = vec2(WEST_MOST_X_HIGH - (EAST_MOST_X_HIGH - planes2D_high.x), WEST_MOST_X_LOW - (EAST_MOST_X_LOW - planes2D_low.x)); planes2D_high.x = czm_branchFreeTernary(idlSplit, idlSplitNewPlaneHiLow.x, planes2D_high.x); planes2D_low.x = czm_branchFreeTernary(idlSplit, idlSplitNewPlaneHiLow.y, planes2D_low.x); vec3 southWestCorner = (czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * czm_translateRelativeToEye(vec3(0.0, planes2D_high.xy), vec3(0.0, planes2D_low.xy))).xyz; vec3 northWestCorner = (czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * czm_translateRelativeToEye(vec3(0.0, planes2D_high.x, planes2D_high.z), vec3(0.0, planes2D_low.x, planes2D_low.z))).xyz; vec3 southEastCorner = (czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * czm_translateRelativeToEye(vec3(0.0, planes2D_high.w, planes2D_high.y), vec3(0.0, planes2D_low.w, planes2D_low.y))).xyz; #else // COLUMBUS_VIEW_2D // 3D case has smaller "plane extents," so planes encoded as a 64 bit position and 2 vec3s for distances/direction vec3 southWestCorner = (czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * czm_translateRelativeToEye(czm_batchTable_southWest_HIGH(batchId), czm_batchTable_southWest_LOW(batchId))).xyz; vec3 northWestCorner = czm_normal * czm_batchTable_northward(batchId) + southWestCorner; vec3 southEastCorner = czm_normal * czm_batchTable_eastward(batchId) + southWestCorner; #endif // COLUMBUS_VIEW_2D vec3 eastWard = southEastCorner - southWestCorner; float eastExtent = length(eastWard); eastWard /= eastExtent; vec3 northWard = northWestCorner - southWestCorner; float northExtent = length(northWard); northWard /= northExtent; v_westPlane = vec4(eastWard, -dot(eastWard, southWestCorner)); v_southPlane = vec4(northWard, -dot(northWard, southWestCorner)); v_inversePlaneExtents = vec2(1.0 / eastExtent, 1.0 / northExtent); #endif // SPHERICAL vec4 uvMinAndExtents = czm_batchTable_uvMinAndExtents(batchId); vec4 uMaxVmax = czm_batchTable_uMaxVmax(batchId); v_uMaxAndInverseDistance = vec3(uMaxVmax.xy, uvMinAndExtents.z); v_vMaxAndInverseDistance = vec3(, uvMinAndExtents.w); v_uvMinAndSphericalLongitudeRotation.xy = uvMinAndExtents.xy; #endif // TEXTURE_COORDINATES #ifdef PER_INSTANCE_COLOR v_color = czm_batchTable_color(batchId); #endif gl_Position = czm_depthClampFarPlane(czm_modelViewProjectionRelativeToEye * position); }