#ifdef GL_EXT_frag_depth #extension GL_EXT_frag_depth : enable #endif #ifdef TEXTURE_COORDINATES #ifdef SPHERICAL varying vec4 v_sphericalExtents; #else // SPHERICAL varying vec2 v_inversePlaneExtents; varying vec4 v_westPlane; varying vec4 v_southPlane; #endif // SPHERICAL varying vec3 v_uvMinAndSphericalLongitudeRotation; varying vec3 v_uMaxAndInverseDistance; varying vec3 v_vMaxAndInverseDistance; #endif // TEXTURE_COORDINATES #ifdef PER_INSTANCE_COLOR varying vec4 v_color; #endif #ifdef NORMAL_EC vec3 getEyeCoordinate3FromWindowCoordinate(vec2 fragCoord, float logDepthOrDepth) { vec4 eyeCoordinate = czm_windowToEyeCoordinates(fragCoord, logDepthOrDepth); return eyeCoordinate.xyz / eyeCoordinate.w; } vec3 vectorFromOffset(vec4 eyeCoordinate, vec2 positiveOffset) { vec2 glFragCoordXY = gl_FragCoord.xy; // Sample depths at both offset and negative offset float upOrRightLogDepth = czm_unpackDepth(texture2D(czm_globeDepthTexture, (glFragCoordXY + positiveOffset) / czm_viewport.zw)); float downOrLeftLogDepth = czm_unpackDepth(texture2D(czm_globeDepthTexture, (glFragCoordXY - positiveOffset) / czm_viewport.zw)); // Explicitly evaluate both paths // Necessary for multifrustum and for edges of the screen bvec2 upOrRightInBounds = lessThan(glFragCoordXY + positiveOffset, czm_viewport.zw); float useUpOrRight = float(upOrRightLogDepth > 0.0 && upOrRightInBounds.x && upOrRightInBounds.y); float useDownOrLeft = float(useUpOrRight == 0.0); vec3 upOrRightEC = getEyeCoordinate3FromWindowCoordinate(glFragCoordXY + positiveOffset, upOrRightLogDepth); vec3 downOrLeftEC = getEyeCoordinate3FromWindowCoordinate(glFragCoordXY - positiveOffset, downOrLeftLogDepth); return (upOrRightEC - (eyeCoordinate.xyz / eyeCoordinate.w)) * useUpOrRight + ((eyeCoordinate.xyz / eyeCoordinate.w) - downOrLeftEC) * useDownOrLeft; } #endif // NORMAL_EC void main(void) { #ifdef REQUIRES_EC float logDepthOrDepth = czm_unpackDepth(texture2D(czm_globeDepthTexture, gl_FragCoord.xy / czm_viewport.zw)); vec4 eyeCoordinate = czm_windowToEyeCoordinates(gl_FragCoord.xy, logDepthOrDepth); #endif #ifdef REQUIRES_WC vec4 worldCoordinate4 = czm_inverseView * eyeCoordinate; vec3 worldCoordinate = worldCoordinate4.xyz / worldCoordinate4.w; #endif #ifdef TEXTURE_COORDINATES vec2 uv; #ifdef SPHERICAL // Treat world coords as a sphere normal for spherical coordinates vec2 sphericalLatLong = czm_approximateSphericalCoordinates(worldCoordinate); sphericalLatLong.y += v_uvMinAndSphericalLongitudeRotation.z; sphericalLatLong.y = czm_branchFreeTernary(sphericalLatLong.y < czm_pi, sphericalLatLong.y, sphericalLatLong.y - czm_twoPi); uv.x = (sphericalLatLong.y - v_sphericalExtents.y) * v_sphericalExtents.w; uv.y = (sphericalLatLong.x - v_sphericalExtents.x) * v_sphericalExtents.z; #else // SPHERICAL // Unpack planes and transform to eye space uv.x = czm_planeDistance(v_westPlane, eyeCoordinate.xyz / eyeCoordinate.w) * v_inversePlaneExtents.x; uv.y = czm_planeDistance(v_southPlane, eyeCoordinate.xyz / eyeCoordinate.w) * v_inversePlaneExtents.y; #endif // SPHERICAL #endif // TEXTURE_COORDINATES #ifdef PICK #ifdef CULL_FRAGMENTS if (0.0 <= uv.x && uv.x <= 1.0 && 0.0 <= uv.y && uv.y <= 1.0) { gl_FragColor.a = 1.0; // 0.0 alpha leads to discard from ShaderSource.createPickFragmentShaderSource czm_writeDepthClampedToFarPlane(); } #else // CULL_FRAGMENTS gl_FragColor.a = 1.0; #endif // CULL_FRAGMENTS #else // PICK #ifdef CULL_FRAGMENTS if (uv.x <= 0.0 || 1.0 <= uv.x || uv.y <= 0.0 || 1.0 <= uv.y) { discard; } #endif #ifdef NORMAL_EC // Compute normal by sampling adjacent pixels in 2x2 block in screen space vec3 downUp = vectorFromOffset(eyeCoordinate, vec2(0.0, 1.0)); vec3 leftRight = vectorFromOffset(eyeCoordinate, vec2(1.0, 0.0)); vec3 normalEC = normalize(cross(leftRight, downUp)); #endif #ifdef PER_INSTANCE_COLOR vec4 color = czm_gammaCorrect(v_color); #ifdef FLAT gl_FragColor = color; #else // FLAT czm_materialInput materialInput; materialInput.normalEC = normalEC; materialInput.positionToEyeEC = -eyeCoordinate.xyz; czm_material material = czm_getDefaultMaterial(materialInput); material.diffuse = color.rgb; material.alpha = color.a; gl_FragColor = czm_phong(normalize(-eyeCoordinate.xyz), material, czm_lightDirectionEC); #endif // FLAT #else // PER_INSTANCE_COLOR // Material support. // USES_ is distinct from REQUIRES_, because some things are dependencies of each other or // dependencies for culling but might not actually be used by the material. czm_materialInput materialInput; #ifdef USES_NORMAL_EC materialInput.normalEC = normalEC; #endif #ifdef USES_POSITION_TO_EYE_EC materialInput.positionToEyeEC = -eyeCoordinate.xyz; #endif #ifdef USES_TANGENT_TO_EYE materialInput.tangentToEyeMatrix = czm_eastNorthUpToEyeCoordinates(worldCoordinate, normalEC); #endif #ifdef USES_ST // Remap texture coordinates from computed (approximately aligned with cartographic space) to the desired // texture coordinate system, which typically forms a tight oriented bounding box around the geometry. // Shader is provided a set of reference points for remapping. materialInput.st.x = czm_lineDistance(v_uvMinAndSphericalLongitudeRotation.xy, v_uMaxAndInverseDistance.xy, uv) * v_uMaxAndInverseDistance.z; materialInput.st.y = czm_lineDistance(v_uvMinAndSphericalLongitudeRotation.xy, v_vMaxAndInverseDistance.xy, uv) * v_vMaxAndInverseDistance.z; #endif czm_material material = czm_getMaterial(materialInput); #ifdef FLAT gl_FragColor = vec4(material.diffuse + material.emission, material.alpha); #else // FLAT gl_FragColor = czm_phong(normalize(-eyeCoordinate.xyz), material, czm_lightDirectionEC); #endif // FLAT #endif // PER_INSTANCE_COLOR czm_writeDepthClampedToFarPlane(); #endif // PICK }