#define SAMPLES 8 uniform float delta; uniform float sigma; uniform float direction; // 0.0 for x direction, 1.0 for y direction uniform sampler2D colorTexture; #ifdef USE_STEP_SIZE uniform float stepSize; #else uniform vec2 step; #endif varying vec2 v_textureCoordinates; // Incremental Computation of the Gaussian: // https://developer.nvidia.com/gpugems/GPUGems3/gpugems3_ch40.html void main() { vec2 st = v_textureCoordinates; vec2 dir = vec2(1.0 - direction, direction); #ifdef USE_STEP_SIZE vec2 step = vec2(stepSize * (czm_pixelRatio / czm_viewport.zw)); #else vec2 step = step; #endif vec3 g; g.x = 1.0 / (sqrt(czm_twoPi) * sigma); g.y = exp((-0.5 * delta * delta) / (sigma * sigma)); g.z = g.y * g.y; vec4 result = texture2D(colorTexture, st) * g.x; for (int i = 1; i < SAMPLES; ++i) { g.xy *= g.yz; vec2 offset = float(i) * dir * step; result += texture2D(colorTexture, st - offset) * g.x; result += texture2D(colorTexture, st + offset) * g.x; } gl_FragColor = result; }