attribute vec3 position3DHigh; attribute vec3 position3DLow; attribute vec4 startHiAndForwardOffsetX; attribute vec4 startLoAndForwardOffsetY; attribute vec4 startNormalAndForwardOffsetZ; attribute vec4 endNormalAndTextureCoordinateNormalizationX; attribute vec4 rightNormalAndTextureCoordinateNormalizationY; attribute vec4 startHiLo2D; attribute vec4 offsetAndRight2D; attribute vec4 startEndNormals2D; attribute vec2 texcoordNormalization2D; attribute float batchId; varying vec3 v_forwardDirectionEC; varying vec3 v_texcoordNormalizationAndHalfWidth; varying float v_batchId; // For materials #ifdef WIDTH_VARYING varying float v_width; #endif #ifdef ANGLE_VARYING varying float v_polylineAngle; #endif #ifdef PER_INSTANCE_COLOR varying vec4 v_color; #else varying vec2 v_alignedPlaneDistances; varying float v_texcoordT; #endif // Morphing planes using SLERP or NLERP doesn't seem to work, so instead draw the material directly on the shadow volume. // Morph views are from very far away and aren't meant to be used precisely, so this should be sufficient. void main() { v_batchId = batchId; // Start position vec4 posRelativeToEye2D = czm_translateRelativeToEye(vec3(0.0, startHiLo2D.xy), vec3(0.0,; vec4 posRelativeToEye3D = czm_translateRelativeToEye(,; vec4 posRelativeToEye = czm_columbusViewMorph(posRelativeToEye2D, posRelativeToEye3D, czm_morphTime); vec3 posEc2D = (czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * posRelativeToEye2D).xyz; vec3 posEc3D = (czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * posRelativeToEye3D).xyz; vec3 startEC = (czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * posRelativeToEye).xyz; // Start plane vec4 startPlane2D; vec4 startPlane3D; = czm_normal * vec3(0.0, startEndNormals2D.xy); = czm_normal *; startPlane2D.w = -dot(, posEc2D); startPlane3D.w = -dot(, posEc3D); // Right plane vec4 rightPlane2D; vec4 rightPlane3D; = czm_normal * vec3(0.0,; = czm_normal *; rightPlane2D.w = -dot(, posEc2D); rightPlane3D.w = -dot(, posEc3D); // End position posRelativeToEye2D = posRelativeToEye2D + vec4(0.0, offsetAndRight2D.xy, 0.0); posRelativeToEye3D = posRelativeToEye3D + vec4(startHiAndForwardOffsetX.w, startLoAndForwardOffsetY.w, startNormalAndForwardOffsetZ.w, 0.0); posRelativeToEye = czm_columbusViewMorph(posRelativeToEye2D, posRelativeToEye3D, czm_morphTime); posEc2D = (czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * posRelativeToEye2D).xyz; posEc3D = (czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * posRelativeToEye3D).xyz; vec3 endEC = (czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * posRelativeToEye).xyz; vec3 forwardEc3D = czm_normal * normalize(vec3(startHiAndForwardOffsetX.w, startLoAndForwardOffsetY.w, startNormalAndForwardOffsetZ.w)); vec3 forwardEc2D = czm_normal * normalize(vec3(0.0, offsetAndRight2D.xy)); // End plane vec4 endPlane2D; vec4 endPlane3D; = czm_normal * vec3(0.0,; = czm_normal *; endPlane2D.w = -dot(, posEc2D); endPlane3D.w = -dot(, posEc3D); // Forward direction v_forwardDirectionEC = normalize(endEC - startEC); vec2 cleanTexcoordNormalization2D; cleanTexcoordNormalization2D.x = abs(texcoordNormalization2D.x); cleanTexcoordNormalization2D.y = czm_branchFreeTernary(texcoordNormalization2D.y > 1.0, 0.0, abs(texcoordNormalization2D.y)); vec2 cleanTexcoordNormalization3D; cleanTexcoordNormalization3D.x = abs(endNormalAndTextureCoordinateNormalizationX.w); cleanTexcoordNormalization3D.y = rightNormalAndTextureCoordinateNormalizationY.w; cleanTexcoordNormalization3D.y = czm_branchFreeTernary(cleanTexcoordNormalization3D.y > 1.0, 0.0, abs(cleanTexcoordNormalization3D.y)); v_texcoordNormalizationAndHalfWidth.xy = mix(cleanTexcoordNormalization2D, cleanTexcoordNormalization3D, czm_morphTime); #ifdef PER_INSTANCE_COLOR v_color = czm_batchTable_color(batchId); #else // PER_INSTANCE_COLOR // For computing texture coordinates v_alignedPlaneDistances.x = -dot(v_forwardDirectionEC, startEC); v_alignedPlaneDistances.y = -dot(-v_forwardDirectionEC, endEC); #endif // PER_INSTANCE_COLOR #ifdef WIDTH_VARYING float width = czm_batchTable_width(batchId); float halfWidth = width * 0.5; v_width = width; v_texcoordNormalizationAndHalfWidth.z = halfWidth; #else float halfWidth = 0.5 * czm_batchTable_width(batchId); v_texcoordNormalizationAndHalfWidth.z = halfWidth; #endif // Compute a normal along which to "push" the position out, extending the miter depending on view distance. // Position has already been "pushed" by unit length along miter normal, and miter normals are encoded in the planes. // Decode the normal to use at this specific vertex, push the position back, and then push to where it needs to be. // Since this is morphing, compute both 3D and 2D positions and then blend. // ****** 3D ****** // Check distance to the end plane and start plane, pick the plane that is closer vec4 positionEc3D = czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * czm_translateRelativeToEye(position3DHigh, position3DLow); // w = 1.0, see czm_computePosition float absStartPlaneDistance = abs(czm_planeDistance(startPlane3D,; float absEndPlaneDistance = abs(czm_planeDistance(endPlane3D,; vec3 planeDirection = czm_branchFreeTernary(absStartPlaneDistance < absEndPlaneDistance,,; vec3 upOrDown = normalize(cross(, planeDirection)); // Points "up" for start plane, "down" at end plane. vec3 normalEC = normalize(cross(planeDirection, upOrDown)); // In practice, the opposite seems to work too. // Nudge the top vertex upwards to prevent flickering vec3 geodeticSurfaceNormal = normalize(cross(normalEC, forwardEc3D)); geodeticSurfaceNormal *= float(0.0 <= rightNormalAndTextureCoordinateNormalizationY.w && rightNormalAndTextureCoordinateNormalizationY.w <= 1.0); geodeticSurfaceNormal *= MAX_TERRAIN_HEIGHT; += geodeticSurfaceNormal; // Determine if this vertex is on the "left" or "right" normalEC *= sign(endNormalAndTextureCoordinateNormalizationX.w); // A "perfect" implementation would push along normals according to the angle against forward. // In practice, just pushing the normal out by halfWidth is sufficient for morph views. += halfWidth * max(0.0, czm_metersPerPixel(positionEc3D)) * normalEC; // prevent artifacts when czm_metersPerPixel is negative (behind camera) // ****** 2D ****** // Check distance to the end plane and start plane, pick the plane that is closer vec4 positionEc2D = czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * czm_translateRelativeToEye(position2DHigh.zxy, position2DLow.zxy); // w = 1.0, see czm_computePosition absStartPlaneDistance = abs(czm_planeDistance(startPlane2D,; absEndPlaneDistance = abs(czm_planeDistance(endPlane2D,; planeDirection = czm_branchFreeTernary(absStartPlaneDistance < absEndPlaneDistance,,; upOrDown = normalize(cross(, planeDirection)); // Points "up" for start plane, "down" at end plane. normalEC = normalize(cross(planeDirection, upOrDown)); // In practice, the opposite seems to work too. // Nudge the top vertex upwards to prevent flickering geodeticSurfaceNormal = normalize(cross(normalEC, forwardEc2D)); geodeticSurfaceNormal *= float(0.0 <= texcoordNormalization2D.y && texcoordNormalization2D.y <= 1.0); geodeticSurfaceNormal *= MAX_TERRAIN_HEIGHT; += geodeticSurfaceNormal; // Determine if this vertex is on the "left" or "right" normalEC *= sign(texcoordNormalization2D.x); #ifndef PER_INSTANCE_COLOR // Use vertex's sidedness to compute its texture coordinate. v_texcoordT = clamp(sign(texcoordNormalization2D.x), 0.0, 1.0); #endif // A "perfect" implementation would push along normals according to the angle against forward. // In practice, just pushing the normal out by halfWidth is sufficient for morph views. += halfWidth * max(0.0, czm_metersPerPixel(positionEc2D)) * normalEC; // prevent artifacts when czm_metersPerPixel is negative (behind camera) // Blend for actual position gl_Position = czm_projection * mix(positionEc2D, positionEc3D, czm_morphTime); #ifdef ANGLE_VARYING // Approximate relative screen space direction of the line. vec2 approxLineDirection = normalize(vec2(v_forwardDirectionEC.x, -v_forwardDirectionEC.y)); approxLineDirection.y = czm_branchFreeTernary(approxLineDirection.x == 0.0 && approxLineDirection.y == 0.0, -1.0, approxLineDirection.y); v_polylineAngle = czm_fastApproximateAtan(approxLineDirection.x, approxLineDirection.y); #endif }