void clipLineSegmentToNearPlane( vec3 p0, vec3 p1, out vec4 positionWC, out bool clipped, out bool culledByNearPlane, out vec4 clippedPositionEC) { culledByNearPlane = false; clipped = false; vec3 p0ToP1 = p1 - p0; float magnitude = length(p0ToP1); vec3 direction = normalize(p0ToP1); // Distance that p0 is behind the near plane. Negative means p0 is // in front of the near plane. float endPoint0Distance = czm_currentFrustum.x + p0.z; // Camera looks down -Z. // When moving a point along +Z: LESS VISIBLE // * Points in front of the camera move closer to the camera. // * Points behind the camrea move farther away from the camera. // When moving a point along -Z: MORE VISIBLE // * Points in front of the camera move farther away from the camera. // * Points behind the camera move closer to the camera. // Positive denominator: -Z, becoming more visible // Negative denominator: +Z, becoming less visible // Nearly zero: parallel to near plane float denominator = -direction.z; if (endPoint0Distance > 0.0 && abs(denominator) < czm_epsilon7) { // p0 is behind the near plane and the line to p1 is nearly parallel to // the near plane, so cull the segment completely. culledByNearPlane = true; } else if (endPoint0Distance > 0.0) { // p0 is behind the near plane, and the line to p1 is moving distinctly // toward or away from it. // t = (-plane distance - dot(plane normal, ray origin)) / dot(plane normal, ray direction) float t = endPoint0Distance / denominator; if (t < 0.0 || t > magnitude) { // Near plane intersection is not between the two points. // We already confirmed p0 is behind the naer plane, so now // we know the entire segment is behind it. culledByNearPlane = true; } else { // Segment crosses the near plane, update p0 to lie exactly on it. p0 = p0 + t * direction; // Numerical noise might put us a bit on the wrong side of the near plane. // Don't let that happen. p0.z = min(p0.z, -czm_currentFrustum.x); clipped = true; } } clippedPositionEC = vec4(p0, 1.0); positionWC = czm_eyeToWindowCoordinates(clippedPositionEC); } vec4 getPolylineWindowCoordinatesEC(vec4 positionEC, vec4 prevEC, vec4 nextEC, float expandDirection, float width, bool usePrevious, out float angle) { // expandDirection +1 is to the _left_ when looking from positionEC toward nextEC. #ifdef POLYLINE_DASH // Compute the window coordinates of the points. vec4 positionWindow = czm_eyeToWindowCoordinates(positionEC); vec4 previousWindow = czm_eyeToWindowCoordinates(prevEC); vec4 nextWindow = czm_eyeToWindowCoordinates(nextEC); // Determine the relative screen space direction of the line. vec2 lineDir; if (usePrevious) { lineDir = normalize(positionWindow.xy - previousWindow.xy); } else { lineDir = normalize(nextWindow.xy - positionWindow.xy); } angle = atan(lineDir.x, lineDir.y) - 1.570796327; // precomputed atan(1,0) // Quantize the angle so it doesn't change rapidly between segments. angle = floor(angle / czm_piOverFour + 0.5) * czm_piOverFour; #endif vec4 clippedPrevWC, clippedPrevEC; bool prevSegmentClipped, prevSegmentCulled; clipLineSegmentToNearPlane(prevEC.xyz, positionEC.xyz, clippedPrevWC, prevSegmentClipped, prevSegmentCulled, clippedPrevEC); vec4 clippedNextWC, clippedNextEC; bool nextSegmentClipped, nextSegmentCulled; clipLineSegmentToNearPlane(nextEC.xyz, positionEC.xyz, clippedNextWC, nextSegmentClipped, nextSegmentCulled, clippedNextEC); bool segmentClipped, segmentCulled; vec4 clippedPositionWC, clippedPositionEC; clipLineSegmentToNearPlane(positionEC.xyz, usePrevious ? prevEC.xyz : nextEC.xyz, clippedPositionWC, segmentClipped, segmentCulled, clippedPositionEC); if (segmentCulled) { return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } vec2 directionToPrevWC = normalize(clippedPrevWC.xy - clippedPositionWC.xy); vec2 directionToNextWC = normalize(clippedNextWC.xy - clippedPositionWC.xy); // If a segment was culled, we can't use the corresponding direction // computed above. We should never see both of these be true without // `segmentCulled` above also being true. if (prevSegmentCulled) { directionToPrevWC = -directionToNextWC; } else if (nextSegmentCulled) { directionToNextWC = -directionToPrevWC; } vec2 thisSegmentForwardWC, otherSegmentForwardWC; if (usePrevious) { thisSegmentForwardWC = -directionToPrevWC; otherSegmentForwardWC = directionToNextWC; } else { thisSegmentForwardWC = directionToNextWC; otherSegmentForwardWC = -directionToPrevWC; } vec2 thisSegmentLeftWC = vec2(-thisSegmentForwardWC.y, thisSegmentForwardWC.x); vec2 leftWC = thisSegmentLeftWC; float expandWidth = width * 0.5; // When lines are split at the anti-meridian, the position may be at the // same location as the next or previous position, and we need to handle // that to avoid producing NaNs. if (!czm_equalsEpsilon(prevEC.xyz - positionEC.xyz, vec3(0.0), czm_epsilon1) && !czm_equalsEpsilon(nextEC.xyz - positionEC.xyz, vec3(0.0), czm_epsilon1)) { vec2 otherSegmentLeftWC = vec2(-otherSegmentForwardWC.y, otherSegmentForwardWC.x); vec2 leftSumWC = thisSegmentLeftWC + otherSegmentLeftWC; float leftSumLength = length(leftSumWC); leftWC = leftSumLength < czm_epsilon6 ? thisSegmentLeftWC : (leftSumWC / leftSumLength); // The sine of the angle between the two vectors is given by the formula // |a x b| = |a||b|sin(theta) // which is // float sinAngle = length(cross(vec3(leftWC, 0.0), vec3(-thisSegmentForwardWC, 0.0))); // Because the z components of both vectors are zero, the x and y coordinate will be zero. // Therefore, the sine of the angle is just the z component of the cross product. vec2 u = -thisSegmentForwardWC; vec2 v = leftWC; float sinAngle = abs(u.x * v.y - u.y * v.x); expandWidth = clamp(expandWidth / sinAngle, 0.0, width * 2.0); } vec2 offset = leftWC * expandDirection * expandWidth * czm_pixelRatio; return vec4(clippedPositionWC.xy + offset, -clippedPositionWC.z, 1.0) * (czm_projection * clippedPositionEC).w; } vec4 getPolylineWindowCoordinates(vec4 position, vec4 previous, vec4 next, float expandDirection, float width, bool usePrevious, out float angle) { vec4 positionEC = czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * position; vec4 prevEC = czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * previous; vec4 nextEC = czm_modelViewRelativeToEye * next; return getPolylineWindowCoordinatesEC(positionEC, prevEC, nextEC, expandDirection, width, usePrevious, angle); }