varying vec4 v_color; varying vec4 v_outlineColor; varying float v_innerPercent; varying float v_pixelDistance; varying vec4 v_pickColor; void main() { // The distance in UV space from this fragment to the center of the point, at most 0.5. float distanceToCenter = length(gl_PointCoord - vec2(0.5)); // The max distance stops one pixel shy of the edge to leave space for anti-aliasing. float maxDistance = max(0.0, 0.5 - v_pixelDistance); float wholeAlpha = 1.0 - smoothstep(maxDistance, 0.5, distanceToCenter); float innerAlpha = 1.0 - smoothstep(maxDistance * v_innerPercent, 0.5 * v_innerPercent, distanceToCenter); vec4 color = mix(v_outlineColor, v_color, innerAlpha); color.a *= wholeAlpha; // Fully transparent parts of the billboard are not pickable. #if !defined(OPAQUE) && !defined(TRANSLUCENT) if (color.a < 0.005) // matches 0/255 and 1/255 { discard; } #else // The billboard is rendered twice. The opaque pass discards translucent fragments // and the translucent pass discards opaque fragments. #ifdef OPAQUE if (color.a < 0.995) // matches < 254/255 { discard; } #else if (color.a >= 0.995) // matches 254/255 and 255/255 { discard; } #endif #endif gl_FragColor = czm_gammaCorrect(color); czm_writeLogDepth(); }