uniform vec4 color; uniform vec4 gapColor; uniform float dashLength; uniform float dashPattern; varying float v_polylineAngle; const float maskLength = 16.0; mat2 rotate(float rad) { float c = cos(rad); float s = sin(rad); return mat2( c, s, -s, c ); } czm_material czm_getMaterial(czm_materialInput materialInput) { czm_material material = czm_getDefaultMaterial(materialInput); vec2 pos = rotate(v_polylineAngle) * gl_FragCoord.xy; // Get the relative position within the dash from 0 to 1 float dashPosition = fract(pos.x / (dashLength * czm_pixelRatio)); // Figure out the mask index. float maskIndex = floor(dashPosition * maskLength); // Test the bit mask. float maskTest = floor(dashPattern / pow(2.0, maskIndex)); vec4 fragColor = (mod(maskTest, 2.0) < 1.0) ? gapColor : color; if (fragColor.a < 0.005) { // matches 0/255 and 1/255 discard; } fragColor = czm_gammaCorrect(fragColor); material.emission = fragColor.rgb; material.alpha = fragColor.a; return material; }