uniform vec4 u_initialColor; #if TEXTURE_UNITS > 0 uniform sampler2D u_dayTextures[TEXTURE_UNITS]; uniform vec4 u_dayTextureTranslationAndScale[TEXTURE_UNITS]; uniform bool u_dayTextureUseWebMercatorT[TEXTURE_UNITS]; #ifdef APPLY_ALPHA uniform float u_dayTextureAlpha[TEXTURE_UNITS]; #endif #ifdef APPLY_SPLIT uniform float u_dayTextureSplit[TEXTURE_UNITS]; #endif #ifdef APPLY_BRIGHTNESS uniform float u_dayTextureBrightness[TEXTURE_UNITS]; #endif #ifdef APPLY_CONTRAST uniform float u_dayTextureContrast[TEXTURE_UNITS]; #endif #ifdef APPLY_HUE uniform float u_dayTextureHue[TEXTURE_UNITS]; #endif #ifdef APPLY_SATURATION uniform float u_dayTextureSaturation[TEXTURE_UNITS]; #endif #ifdef APPLY_GAMMA uniform float u_dayTextureOneOverGamma[TEXTURE_UNITS]; #endif #ifdef APPLY_IMAGERY_CUTOUT uniform vec4 u_dayTextureCutoutRectangles[TEXTURE_UNITS]; #endif #ifdef APPLY_COLOR_TO_ALPHA uniform vec4 u_colorsToAlpha[TEXTURE_UNITS]; #endif uniform vec4 u_dayTextureTexCoordsRectangle[TEXTURE_UNITS]; #endif #ifdef SHOW_REFLECTIVE_OCEAN uniform sampler2D u_waterMask; uniform vec4 u_waterMaskTranslationAndScale; uniform float u_zoomedOutOceanSpecularIntensity; #endif #ifdef SHOW_OCEAN_WAVES uniform sampler2D u_oceanNormalMap; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_DAYNIGHT_SHADING) || defined(GROUND_ATMOSPHERE) uniform vec2 u_lightingFadeDistance; #endif #ifdef TILE_LIMIT_RECTANGLE uniform vec4 u_cartographicLimitRectangle; #endif #ifdef GROUND_ATMOSPHERE uniform vec2 u_nightFadeDistance; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CLIPPING_PLANES uniform sampler2D u_clippingPlanes; uniform mat4 u_clippingPlanesMatrix; uniform vec4 u_clippingPlanesEdgeStyle; #endif #if defined(FOG) && defined(DYNAMIC_ATMOSPHERE_LIGHTING) && (defined(ENABLE_VERTEX_LIGHTING) || defined(ENABLE_DAYNIGHT_SHADING)) uniform float u_minimumBrightness; #endif #ifdef COLOR_CORRECT uniform vec3 u_hsbShift; // Hue, saturation, brightness #endif #ifdef HIGHLIGHT_FILL_TILE uniform vec4 u_fillHighlightColor; #endif varying vec3 v_positionMC; varying vec3 v_positionEC; varying vec3 v_textureCoordinates; varying vec3 v_normalMC; varying vec3 v_normalEC; #ifdef APPLY_MATERIAL varying float v_height; varying float v_slope; varying float v_aspect; #endif #if defined(FOG) || defined(GROUND_ATMOSPHERE) varying float v_distance; varying vec3 v_fogRayleighColor; varying vec3 v_fogMieColor; #endif #ifdef GROUND_ATMOSPHERE varying vec3 v_rayleighColor; varying vec3 v_mieColor; #endif vec4 sampleAndBlend( vec4 previousColor, sampler2D textureToSample, vec2 tileTextureCoordinates, vec4 textureCoordinateRectangle, vec4 textureCoordinateTranslationAndScale, float textureAlpha, float textureBrightness, float textureContrast, float textureHue, float textureSaturation, float textureOneOverGamma, float split, vec4 colorToAlpha) { // This crazy step stuff sets the alpha to 0.0 if this following condition is true: // tileTextureCoordinates.s < textureCoordinateRectangle.s || // tileTextureCoordinates.s > textureCoordinateRectangle.p || // tileTextureCoordinates.t < textureCoordinateRectangle.t || // tileTextureCoordinates.t > textureCoordinateRectangle.q // In other words, the alpha is zero if the fragment is outside the rectangle // covered by this texture. Would an actual 'if' yield better performance? vec2 alphaMultiplier = step(textureCoordinateRectangle.st, tileTextureCoordinates); textureAlpha = textureAlpha * alphaMultiplier.x * alphaMultiplier.y; alphaMultiplier = step(vec2(0.0), textureCoordinateRectangle.pq - tileTextureCoordinates); textureAlpha = textureAlpha * alphaMultiplier.x * alphaMultiplier.y; vec2 translation = textureCoordinateTranslationAndScale.xy; vec2 scale = textureCoordinateTranslationAndScale.zw; vec2 textureCoordinates = tileTextureCoordinates * scale + translation; vec4 value = texture2D(textureToSample, textureCoordinates); vec3 color = value.rgb; float alpha = value.a; #ifdef APPLY_COLOR_TO_ALPHA vec3 colorDiff = abs(color.rgb - colorToAlpha.rgb); colorDiff.r = max(max(colorDiff.r, colorDiff.g), colorDiff.b); alpha = czm_branchFreeTernary(colorDiff.r < colorToAlpha.a, 0.0, alpha); #endif #if !defined(APPLY_GAMMA) vec4 tempColor = czm_gammaCorrect(vec4(color, alpha)); color = tempColor.rgb; alpha = tempColor.a; #else color = pow(color, vec3(textureOneOverGamma)); #endif #ifdef APPLY_SPLIT float splitPosition = czm_imagerySplitPosition; // Split to the left if (split < 0.0 && gl_FragCoord.x > splitPosition) { alpha = 0.0; } // Split to the right else if (split > 0.0 && gl_FragCoord.x < splitPosition) { alpha = 0.0; } #endif #ifdef APPLY_BRIGHTNESS color = mix(vec3(0.0), color, textureBrightness); #endif #ifdef APPLY_CONTRAST color = mix(vec3(0.5), color, textureContrast); #endif #ifdef APPLY_HUE color = czm_hue(color, textureHue); #endif #ifdef APPLY_SATURATION color = czm_saturation(color, textureSaturation); #endif float sourceAlpha = alpha * textureAlpha; float outAlpha = mix(previousColor.a, 1.0, sourceAlpha); outAlpha += sign(outAlpha) - 1.0; vec3 outColor = mix(previousColor.rgb * previousColor.a, color, sourceAlpha) / outAlpha; // When rendering imagery for a tile in multiple passes, // some GPU/WebGL implementation combinations will not blend fragments in // additional passes correctly if their computation includes an unmasked // divide-by-zero operation, // even if it's not in the output or if the output has alpha zero. // // For example, without sanitization for outAlpha, // this renders without artifacts: // if (outAlpha == 0.0) { outColor = vec3(0.0); } // // but using czm_branchFreeTernary will cause portions of the tile that are // alpha-zero in the additional pass to render as black instead of blending // with the previous pass: // outColor = czm_branchFreeTernary(outAlpha == 0.0, vec3(0.0), outColor); // // So instead, sanitize against divide-by-zero, // store this state on the sign of outAlpha, and correct on return. return vec4(outColor, max(outAlpha, 0.0)); } vec3 colorCorrect(vec3 rgb) { #ifdef COLOR_CORRECT // Convert rgb color to hsb vec3 hsb = czm_RGBToHSB(rgb); // Perform hsb shift hsb.x += u_hsbShift.x; // hue hsb.y = clamp(hsb.y + u_hsbShift.y, 0.0, 1.0); // saturation hsb.z = hsb.z > czm_epsilon7 ? hsb.z + u_hsbShift.z : 0.0; // brightness // Convert shifted hsb back to rgb rgb = czm_HSBToRGB(hsb); #endif return rgb; } vec4 computeDayColor(vec4 initialColor, vec3 textureCoordinates); vec4 computeWaterColor(vec3 positionEyeCoordinates, vec2 textureCoordinates, mat3 enuToEye, vec4 imageryColor, float specularMapValue, float fade); void main() { #ifdef TILE_LIMIT_RECTANGLE if (v_textureCoordinates.x < u_cartographicLimitRectangle.x || u_cartographicLimitRectangle.z < v_textureCoordinates.x || v_textureCoordinates.y < u_cartographicLimitRectangle.y || u_cartographicLimitRectangle.w < v_textureCoordinates.y) { discard; } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CLIPPING_PLANES float clipDistance = clip(gl_FragCoord, u_clippingPlanes, u_clippingPlanesMatrix); #endif // The clamp below works around an apparent bug in Chrome Canary v23.0.1241.0 // where the fragment shader sees textures coordinates < 0.0 and > 1.0 for the // fragments on the edges of tiles even though the vertex shader is outputting // coordinates strictly in the 0-1 range. vec4 color = computeDayColor(u_initialColor, clamp(v_textureCoordinates, 0.0, 1.0)); #ifdef SHOW_TILE_BOUNDARIES if (v_textureCoordinates.x < (1.0/256.0) || v_textureCoordinates.x > (255.0/256.0) || v_textureCoordinates.y < (1.0/256.0) || v_textureCoordinates.y > (255.0/256.0)) { color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } #endif #if defined(SHOW_REFLECTIVE_OCEAN) || defined(ENABLE_DAYNIGHT_SHADING) || defined(HDR) vec3 normalMC = czm_geodeticSurfaceNormal(v_positionMC, vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0)); // normalized surface normal in model coordinates vec3 normalEC = czm_normal3D * normalMC; // normalized surface normal in eye coordiantes #endif #if defined(ENABLE_DAYNIGHT_SHADING) || defined(GROUND_ATMOSPHERE) float cameraDist; if (czm_sceneMode == czm_sceneMode2D) { cameraDist = max(czm_frustumPlanes.x - czm_frustumPlanes.y, czm_frustumPlanes.w - czm_frustumPlanes.z) * 0.5; } else if (czm_sceneMode == czm_sceneModeColumbusView) { cameraDist = -czm_view[3].z; } else { cameraDist = length(czm_view[3]); } float fadeOutDist = u_lightingFadeDistance.x; float fadeInDist = u_lightingFadeDistance.y; if (czm_sceneMode != czm_sceneMode3D) { vec3 radii = czm_ellipsoidRadii; float maxRadii = max(radii.x, max(radii.y, radii.z)); fadeOutDist -= maxRadii; fadeInDist -= maxRadii; } float fade = clamp((cameraDist - fadeOutDist) / (fadeInDist - fadeOutDist), 0.0, 1.0); #else float fade = 0.0; #endif #ifdef SHOW_REFLECTIVE_OCEAN vec2 waterMaskTranslation = u_waterMaskTranslationAndScale.xy; vec2 waterMaskScale = u_waterMaskTranslationAndScale.zw; vec2 waterMaskTextureCoordinates = v_textureCoordinates.xy * waterMaskScale + waterMaskTranslation; waterMaskTextureCoordinates.y = 1.0 - waterMaskTextureCoordinates.y; float mask = texture2D(u_waterMask, waterMaskTextureCoordinates).r; if (mask > 0.0) { mat3 enuToEye = czm_eastNorthUpToEyeCoordinates(v_positionMC, normalEC); vec2 ellipsoidTextureCoordinates = czm_ellipsoidWgs84TextureCoordinates(normalMC); vec2 ellipsoidFlippedTextureCoordinates = czm_ellipsoidWgs84TextureCoordinates(normalMC.zyx); vec2 textureCoordinates = mix(ellipsoidTextureCoordinates, ellipsoidFlippedTextureCoordinates, czm_morphTime * smoothstep(0.9, 0.95, normalMC.z)); color = computeWaterColor(v_positionEC, textureCoordinates, enuToEye, color, mask, fade); } #endif #ifdef APPLY_MATERIAL czm_materialInput materialInput; materialInput.st = v_textureCoordinates.st; materialInput.normalEC = normalize(v_normalEC); materialInput.slope = v_slope; materialInput.height = v_height; materialInput.aspect = v_aspect; czm_material material = czm_getMaterial(materialInput); color.xyz = mix(color.xyz, material.diffuse, material.alpha); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_VERTEX_LIGHTING float diffuseIntensity = clamp(czm_getLambertDiffuse(czm_lightDirectionEC, normalize(v_normalEC)) * 0.9 + 0.3, 0.0, 1.0); vec4 finalColor = vec4(color.rgb * czm_lightColor * diffuseIntensity, color.a); #elif defined(ENABLE_DAYNIGHT_SHADING) float diffuseIntensity = clamp(czm_getLambertDiffuse(czm_lightDirectionEC, normalEC) * 5.0 + 0.3, 0.0, 1.0); diffuseIntensity = mix(1.0, diffuseIntensity, fade); vec4 finalColor = vec4(color.rgb * czm_lightColor * diffuseIntensity, color.a); #else vec4 finalColor = color; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CLIPPING_PLANES vec4 clippingPlanesEdgeColor = vec4(1.0); clippingPlanesEdgeColor.rgb = u_clippingPlanesEdgeStyle.rgb; float clippingPlanesEdgeWidth = u_clippingPlanesEdgeStyle.a; if (clipDistance < clippingPlanesEdgeWidth) { finalColor = clippingPlanesEdgeColor; } #endif #ifdef HIGHLIGHT_FILL_TILE finalColor = vec4(mix(finalColor.rgb, u_fillHighlightColor.rgb, u_fillHighlightColor.a), finalColor.a); #endif #if defined(FOG) || defined(GROUND_ATMOSPHERE) vec3 fogColor = colorCorrect(v_fogMieColor) + finalColor.rgb * colorCorrect(v_fogRayleighColor); #ifndef HDR const float fExposure = 2.0; fogColor = vec3(1.0) - exp(-fExposure * fogColor); #endif #endif #if defined(DYNAMIC_ATMOSPHERE_LIGHTING_FROM_SUN) vec3 atmosphereLightDirection = czm_sunDirectionWC; #else vec3 atmosphereLightDirection = czm_lightDirectionWC; #endif #ifdef FOG #if defined(DYNAMIC_ATMOSPHERE_LIGHTING) && (defined(ENABLE_VERTEX_LIGHTING) || defined(ENABLE_DAYNIGHT_SHADING)) float darken = clamp(dot(normalize(czm_viewerPositionWC), atmosphereLightDirection), u_minimumBrightness, 1.0); fogColor *= darken; #endif #ifdef HDR const float modifier = 0.15; finalColor = vec4(czm_fog(v_distance, finalColor.rgb, fogColor, modifier), finalColor.a); #else finalColor = vec4(czm_fog(v_distance, finalColor.rgb, fogColor), finalColor.a); #endif #endif #ifdef GROUND_ATMOSPHERE if (czm_sceneMode != czm_sceneMode3D) { gl_FragColor = finalColor; return; } #if defined(PER_FRAGMENT_GROUND_ATMOSPHERE) && defined(DYNAMIC_ATMOSPHERE_LIGHTING) && (defined(ENABLE_DAYNIGHT_SHADING) || defined(ENABLE_VERTEX_LIGHTING)) float mpp = czm_metersPerPixel(vec4(0.0, 0.0, -czm_currentFrustum.x, 1.0), 1.0); vec2 xy = gl_FragCoord.xy / czm_viewport.zw * 2.0 - vec2(1.0); xy *= czm_viewport.zw * mpp * 0.5; vec3 direction = normalize(vec3(xy, -czm_currentFrustum.x)); czm_ray ray = czm_ray(vec3(0.0), direction); vec3 ellipsoid_center = czm_view[3].xyz; czm_raySegment intersection = czm_rayEllipsoidIntersectionInterval(ray, ellipsoid_center, czm_ellipsoidInverseRadii); vec3 ellipsoidPosition = czm_pointAlongRay(ray, intersection.start); ellipsoidPosition = (czm_inverseView * vec4(ellipsoidPosition, 1.0)).xyz; AtmosphereColor atmosColor = computeGroundAtmosphereFromSpace(ellipsoidPosition, true, atmosphereLightDirection); vec3 groundAtmosphereColor = colorCorrect(atmosColor.mie) + finalColor.rgb * colorCorrect(atmosColor.rayleigh); #ifndef HDR groundAtmosphereColor = vec3(1.0) - exp(-fExposure * groundAtmosphereColor); #endif fadeInDist = u_nightFadeDistance.x; fadeOutDist = u_nightFadeDistance.y; float sunlitAtmosphereIntensity = clamp((cameraDist - fadeOutDist) / (fadeInDist - fadeOutDist), 0.0, 1.0); #ifdef HDR // Some tweaking to make HDR look better sunlitAtmosphereIntensity = max(sunlitAtmosphereIntensity * sunlitAtmosphereIntensity, 0.03); #endif groundAtmosphereColor = mix(groundAtmosphereColor, fogColor, sunlitAtmosphereIntensity); #else vec3 groundAtmosphereColor = fogColor; #endif #ifdef HDR // Some tweaking to make HDR look better groundAtmosphereColor = czm_saturation(groundAtmosphereColor, 1.6); #endif finalColor = vec4(mix(finalColor.rgb, groundAtmosphereColor, fade), finalColor.a); #endif gl_FragColor = finalColor; } #ifdef SHOW_REFLECTIVE_OCEAN float waveFade(float edge0, float edge1, float x) { float y = clamp((x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0), 0.0, 1.0); return pow(1.0 - y, 5.0); } float linearFade(float edge0, float edge1, float x) { return clamp((x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0), 0.0, 1.0); } // Based on water rendering by Jonas Wagner: // http://29a.ch/2012/7/19/webgl-terrain-rendering-water-fog // low altitude wave settings const float oceanFrequencyLowAltitude = 825000.0; const float oceanAnimationSpeedLowAltitude = 0.004; const float oceanOneOverAmplitudeLowAltitude = 1.0 / 2.0; const float oceanSpecularIntensity = 0.5; // high altitude wave settings const float oceanFrequencyHighAltitude = 125000.0; const float oceanAnimationSpeedHighAltitude = 0.008; const float oceanOneOverAmplitudeHighAltitude = 1.0 / 2.0; vec4 computeWaterColor(vec3 positionEyeCoordinates, vec2 textureCoordinates, mat3 enuToEye, vec4 imageryColor, float maskValue, float fade) { vec3 positionToEyeEC = -positionEyeCoordinates; float positionToEyeECLength = length(positionToEyeEC); // The double normalize below works around a bug in Firefox on Android devices. vec3 normalizedPositionToEyeEC = normalize(normalize(positionToEyeEC)); // Fade out the waves as the camera moves far from the surface. float waveIntensity = waveFade(70000.0, 1000000.0, positionToEyeECLength); #ifdef SHOW_OCEAN_WAVES // high altitude waves float time = czm_frameNumber * oceanAnimationSpeedHighAltitude; vec4 noise = czm_getWaterNoise(u_oceanNormalMap, textureCoordinates * oceanFrequencyHighAltitude, time, 0.0); vec3 normalTangentSpaceHighAltitude = vec3(noise.xy, noise.z * oceanOneOverAmplitudeHighAltitude); // low altitude waves time = czm_frameNumber * oceanAnimationSpeedLowAltitude; noise = czm_getWaterNoise(u_oceanNormalMap, textureCoordinates * oceanFrequencyLowAltitude, time, 0.0); vec3 normalTangentSpaceLowAltitude = vec3(noise.xy, noise.z * oceanOneOverAmplitudeLowAltitude); // blend the 2 wave layers based on distance to surface float highAltitudeFade = linearFade(0.0, 60000.0, positionToEyeECLength); float lowAltitudeFade = 1.0 - linearFade(20000.0, 60000.0, positionToEyeECLength); vec3 normalTangentSpace = (highAltitudeFade * normalTangentSpaceHighAltitude) + (lowAltitudeFade * normalTangentSpaceLowAltitude); normalTangentSpace = normalize(normalTangentSpace); // fade out the normal perturbation as we move farther from the water surface normalTangentSpace.xy *= waveIntensity; normalTangentSpace = normalize(normalTangentSpace); #else vec3 normalTangentSpace = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); #endif vec3 normalEC = enuToEye * normalTangentSpace; const vec3 waveHighlightColor = vec3(0.3, 0.45, 0.6); // Use diffuse light to highlight the waves float diffuseIntensity = czm_getLambertDiffuse(czm_lightDirectionEC, normalEC) * maskValue; vec3 diffuseHighlight = waveHighlightColor * diffuseIntensity * (1.0 - fade); #ifdef SHOW_OCEAN_WAVES // Where diffuse light is low or non-existent, use wave highlights based solely on // the wave bumpiness and no particular light direction. float tsPerturbationRatio = normalTangentSpace.z; vec3 nonDiffuseHighlight = mix(waveHighlightColor * 5.0 * (1.0 - tsPerturbationRatio), vec3(0.0), diffuseIntensity); #else vec3 nonDiffuseHighlight = vec3(0.0); #endif // Add specular highlights in 3D, and in all modes when zoomed in. float specularIntensity = czm_getSpecular(czm_lightDirectionEC, normalizedPositionToEyeEC, normalEC, 10.0); float surfaceReflectance = mix(0.0, mix(u_zoomedOutOceanSpecularIntensity, oceanSpecularIntensity, waveIntensity), maskValue); float specular = specularIntensity * surfaceReflectance; #ifdef HDR specular *= 1.4; float e = 0.2; float d = 3.3; float c = 1.7; vec3 color = imageryColor.rgb + (c * (vec3(e) + imageryColor.rgb * d) * (diffuseHighlight + nonDiffuseHighlight + specular)); #else vec3 color = imageryColor.rgb + diffuseHighlight + nonDiffuseHighlight + specular; #endif return vec4(color, imageryColor.a); } #endif // #ifdef SHOW_REFLECTIVE_OCEAN