/** * Used as input to every material's czm_getMaterial function. * * @name czm_materialInput * @glslStruct * * @property {float} s 1D texture coordinates. * @property {vec2} st 2D texture coordinates. * @property {vec3} str 3D texture coordinates. * @property {vec3} normalEC Unperturbed surface normal in eye coordinates. * @property {mat3} tangentToEyeMatrix Matrix for converting a tangent space normal to eye space. * @property {vec3} positionToEyeEC Vector from the fragment to the eye in eye coordinates. The magnitude is the distance in meters from the fragment to the eye. * @property {float} height The height of the terrain in meters above or below the WGS84 ellipsoid. Only available for globe materials. * @property {float} slope The slope of the terrain in radians. 0 is flat; pi/2 is vertical. Only available for globe materials. * @property {float} aspect The aspect of the terrain in radians. 0 is East, pi/2 is North, pi is West, 3pi/2 is South. Only available for globe materials. */ struct czm_materialInput { float s; vec2 st; vec3 str; vec3 normalEC; mat3 tangentToEyeMatrix; vec3 positionToEyeEC; float height; float slope; float aspect; };