/** * Holds material information that can be used for lighting. Returned by all czm_getMaterial functions. * * @name czm_material * @glslStruct * * @property {vec3} diffuse Incoming light that scatters evenly in all directions. * @property {float} specular Intensity of incoming light reflecting in a single direction. * @property {float} shininess The sharpness of the specular reflection. Higher values create a smaller, more focused specular highlight. * @property {vec3} normal Surface's normal in eye coordinates. It is used for effects such as normal mapping. The default is the surface's unmodified normal. * @property {vec3} emission Light emitted by the material equally in all directions. The default is vec3(0.0), which emits no light. * @property {float} alpha Opacity of this material. 0.0 is completely transparent; 1.0 is completely opaque. */ struct czm_material { vec3 diffuse; float specular; float shininess; vec3 normal; vec3 emission; float alpha; };