/** * Creates a matrix that transforms vectors from tangent space to eye space. * * @name czm_tangentToEyeSpaceMatrix * @glslFunction * * @param {vec3} normalEC The normal vector in eye coordinates. * @param {vec3} tangentEC The tangent vector in eye coordinates. * @param {vec3} bitangentEC The bitangent vector in eye coordinates. * * @returns {mat3} The matrix that transforms from tangent space to eye space. * * @example * mat3 tangentToEye = czm_tangentToEyeSpaceMatrix(normalEC, tangentEC, bitangentEC); * vec3 normal = tangentToEye * texture2D(normalMap, st).xyz; */ mat3 czm_tangentToEyeSpaceMatrix(vec3 normalEC, vec3 tangentEC, vec3 bitangentEC) { vec3 normal = normalize(normalEC); vec3 tangent = normalize(tangentEC); vec3 bitangent = normalize(bitangentEC); return mat3(tangent.x , tangent.y , tangent.z, bitangent.x, bitangent.y, bitangent.z, normal.x , normal.y , normal.z); }