/** * Returns 1.0 if the given value is positive or zero, and -1.0 if it is negative. This is similar to the GLSL * built-in function sign except that returns 1.0 instead of 0.0 when the input value is 0.0. * * @name czm_signNotZero * @glslFunction * * @param {} value The value for which to determine the sign. * @returns {} 1.0 if the value is positive or zero, -1.0 if the value is negative. */ float czm_signNotZero(float value) { return value >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0; } vec2 czm_signNotZero(vec2 value) { return vec2(czm_signNotZero(value.x), czm_signNotZero(value.y)); } vec3 czm_signNotZero(vec3 value) { return vec3(czm_signNotZero(value.x), czm_signNotZero(value.y), czm_signNotZero(value.z)); } vec4 czm_signNotZero(vec4 value) { return vec4(czm_signNotZero(value.x), czm_signNotZero(value.y), czm_signNotZero(value.z), czm_signNotZero(value.w)); }