/** * Samples the 4 neighboring pixels and return the weighted average. * * @private */ vec3 czm_sampleOctahedralProjectionWithFiltering(sampler2D projectedMap, vec2 textureSize, vec3 direction, float lod) { direction /= dot(vec3(1.0), abs(direction)); vec2 rev = abs(direction.zx) - vec2(1.0); vec2 neg = vec2(direction.x < 0.0 ? rev.x : -rev.x, direction.z < 0.0 ? rev.y : -rev.y); vec2 uv = direction.y < 0.0 ? neg : direction.xz; vec2 coord = 0.5 * uv + vec2(0.5); vec2 pixel = 1.0 / textureSize; if (lod > 0.0) { // Each subseqeuent mip level is half the size float scale = 1.0 / pow(2.0, lod); float offset = ((textureSize.y + 1.0) / textureSize.x); coord.x *= offset; coord *= scale; coord.x += offset + pixel.x; coord.y += (1.0 - (1.0 / pow(2.0, lod - 1.0))) + pixel.y * (lod - 1.0) * 2.0; } else { coord.x *= (textureSize.y / textureSize.x); } // Do bilinear filtering #ifndef OES_texture_float_linear vec3 color1 = texture2D(projectedMap, coord + vec2(0.0, pixel.y)).rgb; vec3 color2 = texture2D(projectedMap, coord + vec2(pixel.x, 0.0)).rgb; vec3 color3 = texture2D(projectedMap, coord + pixel).rgb; vec3 color4 = texture2D(projectedMap, coord).rgb; vec2 texturePosition = coord * textureSize; float fu = fract(texturePosition.x); float fv = fract(texturePosition.y); vec3 average1 = mix(color4, color2, fu); vec3 average2 = mix(color1, color3, fu); vec3 color = mix(average1, average2, fv); #else vec3 color = texture2D(projectedMap, coord).rgb; #endif return color; } /** * Samples from a cube map that has been projected using an octahedral projection from the given direction. * * @name czm_sampleOctahedralProjection * @glslFunction * * @param {sampler2D} projectedMap The texture with the octahedral projected cube map. * @param {vec2} textureSize The width and height dimensions in pixels of the projected map. * @param {vec3} direction The normalized direction used to sample the cube map. * @param {float} lod The level of detail to sample. * @param {float} maxLod The maximum level of detail. * @returns {vec3} The color of the cube map at the direction. */ vec3 czm_sampleOctahedralProjection(sampler2D projectedMap, vec2 textureSize, vec3 direction, float lod, float maxLod) { float currentLod = floor(lod + 0.5); float nextLod = min(currentLod + 1.0, maxLod); vec3 colorCurrentLod = czm_sampleOctahedralProjectionWithFiltering(projectedMap, textureSize, direction, currentLod); vec3 colorNextLod = czm_sampleOctahedralProjectionWithFiltering(projectedMap, textureSize, direction, nextLod); return mix(colorNextLod, colorCurrentLod, nextLod - lod); }