float czm_private_getLambertDiffuseOfMaterial(vec3 lightDirectionEC, czm_material material) { return czm_getLambertDiffuse(lightDirectionEC, material.normal); } float czm_private_getSpecularOfMaterial(vec3 lightDirectionEC, vec3 toEyeEC, czm_material material) { return czm_getSpecular(lightDirectionEC, toEyeEC, material.normal, material.shininess); } /** * Computes a color using the Phong lighting model. * * @name czm_phong * @glslFunction * * @param {vec3} toEye A normalized vector from the fragment to the eye in eye coordinates. * @param {czm_material} material The fragment's material. * * @returns {vec4} The computed color. * * @example * vec3 positionToEyeEC = // ... * czm_material material = // ... * vec3 lightDirectionEC = // ... * gl_FragColor = czm_phong(normalize(positionToEyeEC), material, lightDirectionEC); * * @see czm_getMaterial */ vec4 czm_phong(vec3 toEye, czm_material material, vec3 lightDirectionEC) { // Diffuse from directional light sources at eye (for top-down) float diffuse = czm_private_getLambertDiffuseOfMaterial(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), material); if (czm_sceneMode == czm_sceneMode3D) { // (and horizon views in 3D) diffuse += czm_private_getLambertDiffuseOfMaterial(vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), material); } float specular = czm_private_getSpecularOfMaterial(lightDirectionEC, toEye, material); // Temporary workaround for adding ambient. vec3 materialDiffuse = material.diffuse * 0.5; vec3 ambient = materialDiffuse; vec3 color = ambient + material.emission; color += materialDiffuse * diffuse * czm_lightColor; color += material.specular * specular * czm_lightColor; return vec4(color, material.alpha); } vec4 czm_private_phong(vec3 toEye, czm_material material, vec3 lightDirectionEC) { float diffuse = czm_private_getLambertDiffuseOfMaterial(lightDirectionEC, material); float specular = czm_private_getSpecularOfMaterial(lightDirectionEC, toEye, material); vec3 ambient = vec3(0.0); vec3 color = ambient + material.emission; color += material.diffuse * diffuse * czm_lightColor; color += material.specular * specular * czm_lightColor; return vec4(color, material.alpha); }