/** * Decodes a unit-length vector in 'oct' encoding to a normalized 3-component Cartesian vector. * The 'oct' encoding is described in "A Survey of Efficient Representations of Independent Unit Vectors", * Cigolle et al 2014: http://jcgt.org/published/0003/02/01/ * * @name czm_octDecode * @param {vec2} encoded The oct-encoded, unit-length vector * @param {float} range The maximum value of the SNORM range. The encoded vector is stored in log2(rangeMax+1) bits. * @returns {vec3} The decoded and normalized vector */ vec3 czm_octDecode(vec2 encoded, float range) { if (encoded.x == 0.0 && encoded.y == 0.0) { return vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } encoded = encoded / range * 2.0 - 1.0; vec3 v = vec3(encoded.x, encoded.y, 1.0 - abs(encoded.x) - abs(encoded.y)); if (v.z < 0.0) { v.xy = (1.0 - abs(v.yx)) * czm_signNotZero(v.xy); } return normalize(v); } /** * Decodes a unit-length vector in 'oct' encoding to a normalized 3-component Cartesian vector. * The 'oct' encoding is described in "A Survey of Efficient Representations of Independent Unit Vectors", * Cigolle et al 2014: http://jcgt.org/published/0003/02/01/ * * @name czm_octDecode * @param {vec2} encoded The oct-encoded, unit-length vector * @returns {vec3} The decoded and normalized vector */ vec3 czm_octDecode(vec2 encoded) { return czm_octDecode(encoded, 255.0); } /** * Decodes a unit-length vector in 'oct' encoding packed into a floating-point number to a normalized 3-component Cartesian vector. * The 'oct' encoding is described in "A Survey of Efficient Representations of Independent Unit Vectors", * Cigolle et al 2014: http://jcgt.org/published/0003/02/01/ * * @name czm_octDecode * @param {float} encoded The oct-encoded, unit-length vector * @returns {vec3} The decoded and normalized vector */ vec3 czm_octDecode(float encoded) { float temp = encoded / 256.0; float x = floor(temp); float y = (temp - x) * 256.0; return czm_octDecode(vec2(x, y)); } /** * Decodes three unit-length vectors in 'oct' encoding packed into two floating-point numbers to normalized 3-component Cartesian vectors. * The 'oct' encoding is described in "A Survey of Efficient Representations of Independent Unit Vectors", * Cigolle et al 2014: http://jcgt.org/published/0003/02/01/ * * @name czm_octDecode * @param {vec2} encoded The packed oct-encoded, unit-length vectors. * @param {vec3} vector1 One decoded and normalized vector. * @param {vec3} vector2 One decoded and normalized vector. * @param {vec3} vector3 One decoded and normalized vector. */ void czm_octDecode(vec2 encoded, out vec3 vector1, out vec3 vector2, out vec3 vector3) { float temp = encoded.x / 65536.0; float x = floor(temp); float encodedFloat1 = (temp - x) * 65536.0; temp = encoded.y / 65536.0; float y = floor(temp); float encodedFloat2 = (temp - y) * 65536.0; vector1 = czm_octDecode(encodedFloat1); vector2 = czm_octDecode(encodedFloat2); vector3 = czm_octDecode(vec2(x, y)); }