/** * Computes a value that scales with distance. The scaling is clamped at the near and * far distances, and does not extrapolate. This function works with the * {@link NearFarScalar} JavaScript class. * * @name czm_nearFarScalar * @glslFunction * * @param {vec4} nearFarScalar A vector with 4 components: Near distance (x), Near value (y), Far distance (z), Far value (w). * @param {float} cameraDistSq The square of the current distance from the camera. * * @returns {float} The value at this distance. */ float czm_nearFarScalar(vec4 nearFarScalar, float cameraDistSq) { float valueAtMin = nearFarScalar.y; float valueAtMax = nearFarScalar.w; float nearDistanceSq = nearFarScalar.x * nearFarScalar.x; float farDistanceSq = nearFarScalar.z * nearFarScalar.z; float t = (cameraDistSq - nearDistanceSq) / (farDistanceSq - nearDistanceSq); t = pow(clamp(t, 0.0, 1.0), 0.2); return mix(valueAtMin, valueAtMax, t); }