/** * Computes the fraction of a Web Wercator rectangle at which a given geodetic latitude is located. * * @name czm_latitudeToWebMercatorFraction * @glslFunction * * @param {float} latitude The geodetic latitude, in radians. * @param {float} southMercatorY The Web Mercator coordinate of the southern boundary of the rectangle. * @param {float} oneOverMercatorHeight The total height of the rectangle in Web Mercator coordinates. * * @returns {float} The fraction of the rectangle at which the latitude occurs. If the latitude is the southern * boundary of the rectangle, the return value will be zero. If it is the northern boundary, the return * value will be 1.0. Latitudes in between are mapped according to the Web Mercator projection. */ float czm_latitudeToWebMercatorFraction(float latitude, float southMercatorY, float oneOverMercatorHeight) { float sinLatitude = sin(latitude); float mercatorY = 0.5 * log((1.0 + sinLatitude) / (1.0 - sinLatitude)); return (mercatorY - southMercatorY) * oneOverMercatorHeight; }