/** * Calculates the intensity of diffusely reflected light. * * @name czm_getLambertDiffuse * @glslFunction * * @param {vec3} lightDirectionEC Unit vector pointing to the light source in eye coordinates. * @param {vec3} normalEC The surface normal in eye coordinates. * * @returns {float} The intensity of the diffuse reflection. * * @see czm_phong * * @example * float diffuseIntensity = czm_getLambertDiffuse(lightDirectionEC, normalEC); * float specularIntensity = czm_getSpecular(lightDirectionEC, toEyeEC, normalEC, 200); * vec3 color = (diffuseColor * diffuseIntensity) + (specularColor * specularIntensity); */ float czm_getLambertDiffuse(vec3 lightDirectionEC, vec3 normalEC) { return max(dot(lightDirectionEC, normalEC), 0.0); }