/** * The maximum latitude, in radians, both North and South, supported by a Web Mercator * (EPSG:3857) projection. Technically, the Mercator projection is defined * for any latitude up to (but not including) 90 degrees, but it makes sense * to cut it off sooner because it grows exponentially with increasing latitude. * The logic behind this particular cutoff value, which is the one used by * Google Maps, Bing Maps, and Esri, is that it makes the projection * square. That is, the rectangle is equal in the X and Y directions. * * The constant value is computed as follows: * czm_pi * 0.5 - (2.0 * atan(exp(-czm_pi))) * * @name czm_webMercatorMaxLatitude * @glslConstant */ const float czm_webMercatorMaxLatitude = 1.4844222297453324;