#ifdef GL_OES_standard_derivatives #extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable #endif uniform sampler2D u_atlas; #ifdef VECTOR_TILE uniform vec4 u_highlightColor; #endif varying vec2 v_textureCoordinates; varying vec4 v_pickColor; varying vec4 v_color; #ifdef SDF varying vec4 v_outlineColor; varying float v_outlineWidth; #endif #ifdef FRAGMENT_DEPTH_CHECK varying vec4 v_textureCoordinateBounds; // the min and max x and y values for the texture coordinates varying vec4 v_originTextureCoordinateAndTranslate; // texture coordinate at the origin, billboard translate (used for label glyphs) varying vec4 v_compressed; // x: eyeDepth, y: applyTranslate & enableDepthCheck, z: dimensions, w: imageSize varying mat2 v_rotationMatrix; const float SHIFT_LEFT12 = 4096.0; const float SHIFT_LEFT1 = 2.0; const float SHIFT_RIGHT12 = 1.0 / 4096.0; const float SHIFT_RIGHT1 = 1.0 / 2.0; float getGlobeDepth(vec2 adjustedST, vec2 depthLookupST, bool applyTranslate, vec2 dimensions, vec2 imageSize) { vec2 lookupVector = imageSize * (depthLookupST - adjustedST); lookupVector = v_rotationMatrix * lookupVector; vec2 labelOffset = (dimensions - imageSize) * (depthLookupST - vec2(0.0, v_originTextureCoordinateAndTranslate.y)); // aligns label glyph with bounding rectangle. Will be zero for billboards because dimensions and imageSize will be equal vec2 translation = v_originTextureCoordinateAndTranslate.zw; if (applyTranslate) { // this is only needed for labels where the horizontal origin is not LEFT // it moves the label back to where the "origin" should be since all label glyphs are set to HorizontalOrigin.LEFT translation += (dimensions * v_originTextureCoordinateAndTranslate.xy * vec2(1.0, 0.0)); } vec2 st = ((lookupVector - translation + labelOffset) + gl_FragCoord.xy) / czm_viewport.zw; float logDepthOrDepth = czm_unpackDepth(texture2D(czm_globeDepthTexture, st)); if (logDepthOrDepth == 0.0) { return 0.0; // not on the globe } vec4 eyeCoordinate = czm_windowToEyeCoordinates(gl_FragCoord.xy, logDepthOrDepth); return eyeCoordinate.z / eyeCoordinate.w; } #endif #ifdef SDF // Get the distance from the edge of a glyph at a given position sampling an SDF texture. float getDistance(vec2 position) { return texture2D(u_atlas, position).r; } // Samples the sdf texture at the given position and produces a color based on the fill color and the outline. vec4 getSDFColor(vec2 position, float outlineWidth, vec4 outlineColor, float smoothing) { float distance = getDistance(position); if (outlineWidth > 0.0) { // Don't get the outline edge exceed the SDF_EDGE float outlineEdge = clamp(SDF_EDGE - outlineWidth, 0.0, SDF_EDGE); float outlineFactor = smoothstep(SDF_EDGE - smoothing, SDF_EDGE + smoothing, distance); vec4 sdfColor = mix(outlineColor, v_color, outlineFactor); float alpha = smoothstep(outlineEdge - smoothing, outlineEdge + smoothing, distance); return vec4(sdfColor.rgb, sdfColor.a * alpha); } else { float alpha = smoothstep(SDF_EDGE - smoothing, SDF_EDGE + smoothing, distance); return vec4(v_color.rgb, v_color.a * alpha); } } #endif void main() { vec4 color = texture2D(u_atlas, v_textureCoordinates); #ifdef SDF float outlineWidth = v_outlineWidth; vec4 outlineColor = v_outlineColor; // Get the current distance float distance = getDistance(v_textureCoordinates); #ifdef GL_OES_standard_derivatives float smoothing = fwidth(distance); // Get an offset that is approximately half the distance to the neighbor pixels // 0.354 is approximately half of 1/sqrt(2) vec2 sampleOffset = 0.354 * vec2(dFdx(v_textureCoordinates) + dFdy(v_textureCoordinates)); // Sample the center point vec4 center = getSDFColor(v_textureCoordinates, outlineWidth, outlineColor, smoothing); // Sample the 4 neighbors vec4 color1 = getSDFColor(v_textureCoordinates + vec2(sampleOffset.x, sampleOffset.y), outlineWidth, outlineColor, smoothing); vec4 color2 = getSDFColor(v_textureCoordinates + vec2(-sampleOffset.x, sampleOffset.y), outlineWidth, outlineColor, smoothing); vec4 color3 = getSDFColor(v_textureCoordinates + vec2(-sampleOffset.x, -sampleOffset.y), outlineWidth, outlineColor, smoothing); vec4 color4 = getSDFColor(v_textureCoordinates + vec2(sampleOffset.x, -sampleOffset.y), outlineWidth, outlineColor, smoothing); // Equally weight the center sample and the 4 neighboring samples color = (center + color1 + color2 + color3 + color4)/5.0; #else // Just do a single sample float smoothing = 1.0/32.0; color = getSDFColor(v_textureCoordinates, outlineWidth, outlineColor, smoothing); #endif color = czm_gammaCorrect(color); #else color = czm_gammaCorrect(color); color *= czm_gammaCorrect(v_color); #endif // Fully transparent parts of the billboard are not pickable. #if !defined(OPAQUE) && !defined(TRANSLUCENT) if (color.a < 0.005) // matches 0/255 and 1/255 { discard; } #else // The billboard is rendered twice. The opaque pass discards translucent fragments // and the translucent pass discards opaque fragments. #ifdef OPAQUE if (color.a < 0.995) // matches < 254/255 { discard; } #else if (color.a >= 0.995) // matches 254/255 and 255/255 { discard; } #endif #endif #ifdef VECTOR_TILE color *= u_highlightColor; #endif gl_FragColor = color; #ifdef LOG_DEPTH czm_writeLogDepth(); #endif #ifdef FRAGMENT_DEPTH_CHECK float temp = v_compressed.y; temp = temp * SHIFT_RIGHT1; float temp2 = (temp - floor(temp)) * SHIFT_LEFT1; bool enableDepthTest = temp2 != 0.0; bool applyTranslate = floor(temp) != 0.0; if (enableDepthTest) { temp = v_compressed.z; temp = temp * SHIFT_RIGHT12; vec2 dimensions; dimensions.y = (temp - floor(temp)) * SHIFT_LEFT12; dimensions.x = floor(temp); temp = v_compressed.w; temp = temp * SHIFT_RIGHT12; vec2 imageSize; imageSize.y = (temp - floor(temp)) * SHIFT_LEFT12; imageSize.x = floor(temp); vec2 adjustedST = v_textureCoordinates - v_textureCoordinateBounds.xy; adjustedST = adjustedST / vec2(v_textureCoordinateBounds.z - v_textureCoordinateBounds.x, v_textureCoordinateBounds.w - v_textureCoordinateBounds.y); float epsilonEyeDepth = v_compressed.x + czm_epsilon1; float globeDepth1 = getGlobeDepth(adjustedST, v_originTextureCoordinateAndTranslate.xy, applyTranslate, dimensions, imageSize); // negative values go into the screen if (globeDepth1 != 0.0 && globeDepth1 > epsilonEyeDepth) { float globeDepth2 = getGlobeDepth(adjustedST, vec2(0.0, 1.0), applyTranslate, dimensions, imageSize); // top left corner if (globeDepth2 != 0.0 && globeDepth2 > epsilonEyeDepth) { float globeDepth3 = getGlobeDepth(adjustedST, vec2(1.0, 1.0), applyTranslate, dimensions, imageSize); // top right corner if (globeDepth3 != 0.0 && globeDepth3 > epsilonEyeDepth) { discard; } } } } #endif }